Monday, August 15, 2016

Lights Out

Over the past 3+ years I have peddled almost 12,000 miles; mostly in the wee hours of the morning.

I admit it. I don't always feel like it. With each passing day, month and year I 'feel like it' less, and though in the first year of my 'campaign' I lost 50+ pounds, lately I have regained almost half of what I initially lost.

At the grand old age of 2/3 of a century, only my physical health and pride keep me 'out there' doing what I have been doing for such a long period of time.

In my recent blog, "Maybe Twouble Lookin for You" I wrote about my providential 'near misses' (and a couple of 'hits') out there. I have not only experienced some bizarre scenarios, but a couple of rude landings; as in flying over the handlebars and 'spread eagleling' on the sidewalk. (I admit, the flying part can be rather exciting. It's the landing part that stings a little).

At any rate, faithful to my avocation (for no one has offered to pay me yet) I jumped on my two wheeler this morning and followed the same route I have pursued for the past 46 months. 

As I reached my first turn around, (since there are any number of 360's on my measured course) it suddenly grew very dark. I immediately glanced in the direction of the moon; to discover it was not, as I expected, in a state of eclipse. Looking down at my bike light, it was soon apparent that the light part was not lit; (for the lens and three Triple A batteries had accumulated around my feet). Well, to be fair, three of the four items lay there; (since one of the tiny batteries was nowhere to be found). 

At this stage it occurred to me to peddle the mile which separated me from my home, and retrieve my spare bike light; (which for all intents and purposes momentarily robbed me of my eyesight).

Ultimately, I arrived home, unlocked the door, retrieved my tiny, 'nickel battery' bike light, installed it 'in a wink' and set off again. I had peddled all of 5.3 feet when I realized how dim the light was. And with this unforeseen development I decided to peddle a few hundred more yards; during which time I contemplated my next course of action.

(My decision was not long in coming).

For you see, as I grabbed the tiny lens to see whether I could manipulate it into doing what it had thus far failed to do, that which had only a moment before been substantially intact ...came apart in my hands.

Two broken headlights in the space of twenty minutes. I mean, what were the odds?

One abiding thought remained with me throughout the remainder of my abbreviated ride home. 

"Over the past 3+ years I have peddled a grand total of 11,450+ miles accumulating a rather impressive total of 1500+ hours, and

... this has never happened!"

And then it occurred to me. 


Could it be that I was being spared from something unknown and unseen which lay on the other side of the next hill, or around the next corner? (I guess I'll never know).

Remind me to drop by Walmart today. 

...I need a new bike light.

Post-Script - Would you believe it? The following day I bought an expensive bike light and installed it. In the past few minutes I completed another 10 mile stint, a portion of which was... in the dark. Halfway through my ride, the lens of my NEW light disengaged from the frame and splattered all over the road!

I think perhaps someone is trying to tell me something.

   By William McDonald, PhD. From (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 41. Copyright pending

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 If you would like to see the titles and access hundreds of my blogs from 2015, do the following:  

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