Sunday, August 14, 2016


As a counselor and mentor, I have often endured an experience common to our Lord; (though to be sure, I can’t pretend to compare myself to Him).

After Jesus mouthed one particularly unusual statement, scripture tells us that many among his outer circle went away. They became disillusioned with the only sinless man who ever walked the earth, and simply walked away. And with this,  Christ posed one of the most poignant questions of all time to His disciples.

“Will you also go away?”

Over the course of the past couple of decades several among whom I have invested significant faith and high expectations

…went away.

In the past several days, I discovered one more. 

For you see, a young lady named ‘Josie’ has disappeared off my list of friends on a particular social media site. And apparently, she has subtracted herself from a much more personal list of friends since, over the years, I have enjoyed a face to face relationship with her.

Funny, how the brain works and the scenarios it weaves; even when we’re sleeping.For you see, during one of my two or three daily naps, (for this is my daily sleep pattern), Josie showed up.

I found myself in her house alone. At least, I thought I was alone. To be succinct I was in her bedroom, and I discovered a pair of scissors in my hand. And it occurred to me to begin cutting up her bedsheet. Now before you accuse me of some rather questionable agenda, I realized my pursuit was all about manufacturing my friend some new clothing. To be sure, spiritual in nature.

And as I write these words the old adage, “Making your bed and lying in it” comes to mind. For you see, more than once in her life Josie has been content to figuratively lie down in a bed or her own making. And over the years I have devoted a great deal of time and effort to her life.

Among the thousands of souls I have been privileged to impact, many, like Josie, have ultimately dispatched me to outer darkness. And, without exception, it always involved a decision to seek after the lesser and baser things of this world. 

But to return to my dream.

As I busied myself with the scissors and bedsheet, two individuals joined me in the room. One, a male, was obviously Josie's boyfriend, (and the embodiment of none other than Satan, himself). The other, Josie. 

Josie's demented boyfriend said little or nothing to me. However, she began to make me aware that she’d procured a new job position. And the tone and tenor of her words seemed to conjure up some rationale for what she was doing.

“Dr. Bill, you’re not going to like this, but I’m working at a gentleman’s club. You see, I’m a stripper there. Uh, but it’s only for six months. Just ‘til I put together some good money, and get a brand new start.”

And it occurred to me that Josie's confession, and the presence of her unholy alliance in the room was a whole lot less about taking off her literal clothing, and a whole lot more about shedding her spiritual clothing. (And thus, my earlier preoccupation with the scissors and bedsheet). 

The longer I live and the more I devote myself to people, the more convinced I am of the words from one of my favorite movies.

Each one of us here today will,

at one time in our lives...

look upon a loved one who is in need

and ask the same question.


"We are willing to help, Lord...
but what, if anything, is needed?"


It is true we can seldom help

those closest to us.      

Either we don't know what part

of ourselves to give,

or more often than not,

the part we have to give

…is not wanted.

And so it is those we live with,

and should know who elude us.

But we can still love them.  

We can love completely,

…without complete understanding.

(A River Runs Through It)

 By William McDonald, PhD. From (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 41. Copyright pending

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