Tuesday, July 5, 2016

One Hand on Your Pen. One Hand on Your Nose

As I write this blog, I am listening to my favorite of all broadcasts, “Night Sounds,” narrated by the late, great Christian radio host, Bill Pearce.

Tonight’s program is entitled, “Reputation” and the topic of this particular broadcast immediately calls to mind the aberrant presidential election in which the United States of America is now engaged.

And while as a Christian, I simply cannot vote for a party, or candidate whose platform endorses abortion and same-sex marriage, (since I believe scripture is clear on these issues); I have almost as much trouble with a thousand other character traits and innuendoes which tend to cloud the personal reputation of a candidate.

From my perspective the two presumed nominees in this presidential election leave much to be desired, and ‘the word on the street’ is that the average voter will be casting his or her ballot with one hand clenching their pen and the other hand clenching their nose. 

There is just something inherently sad, (when there are only two candidates from whence to choose) about casting one’s vote for the next to the worst candidate, or the least of two evils.

On the one hand, we have a presumed nominee who has, over the years, exhibited a profound tendency for “flip-flop” on the major issues of the day. As a former Secretary of State she is contending with having used a personal email server which placed classified governmental information at risk, and more seriously, having ignored the pleas of her ambassador in Libya for preliminary, and, ultimately, imminent security; leading to his own death, and that of three other Americans. A significant proportion of the electorate consider this candidate to be a serial liar.

On the other hand, we have a presumed nominee who has, over the years, (here comes that verb again) flip-flopped on some of the major issues of the day. He not only has a reputation for philandering, but at the same time possesses a personal disdain for the likes of women who don’t fit his personal estimation of beauty, or who “out” him for some aspect of his personal or public history, and/or character traits. This same billionaire businessman, turned politician, is, without debate, the most flamboyant candidate in the history of this republic. Give him a Sea of Galilee, he’ll walk on it, or at least die trying. He seems to think the sun rises, and sets on himself. He is known for disparaging and caustic remarks, including the use of vulgarity. And though he is a professed member of an established church claims having experienced little or no need for God’s forgiveness.

I think I’m going to have to do a whole lotta praying and 'drawing of lots' on this one.

 By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 35. Copyright pending

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