Monday, September 11, 2023

A Firsthand Account of 911

 "22 years ago today, an unimaginable tragedy struck, and shook our nation, and my city, It feels like it was yesterday, and at the same time, like forever ago. I was 16 years old at the time and I remember sitting in Spanish class in a new school I just transferred into from another borough in NYC, 2 days prior, and the dean of the school walks into my class and says 'a plane hit world trade center' and 'they thought it was accident at first but things are getting really bad. They believe its a terror attack,' and 'we have to evacuate the school and go home.' I remember some of my class- mates were crying and some were saying 'my mom works there,' or 'my dad works there.' I remember running to the office to call my dad because I did not have a cell phone at the time and all lines were down. I could barely reach Him, but after several attempts I finally did. It was scary. I think everyone was in utter shock. No one could believe what we saw on TV, and we lived only 9 miles away from Downtown Manhattan. My heart still aches thinking about all the victims and families that lost loved ones that day. It is unimaginable. Officially around 3000 people died that day but many believe it is much more. Thinking every person was valuable, every person had a name and an Identity, every person mattered, every person was important to God and to their families. And in one moment everything changed. It makes me think, once again, how valuable and fragile life is. How I should cherish my family, friends, and those around me. How I should draw closer to the Lord and love Him even more, and not waste time or life on things that don't matter or have eternal value."

by my former university student, Zhenya Alexandra
(Shared with permission. The original story was written last
year and it began "21 years ago today...")

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