Saturday, February 16, 2019


I mean you have people who have what has been characterized as “Type A personalities” who take risks, and I’m not only referring to investing in dicey stocks, or dropping too many coins in a slot machine.

I have often watched videos on YouTube and social media which depicts these guys who take the most insane risks to their personal safety. The latest I have viewed has this guy running up a 45 degree ramp on a motorcycle and sailing wildly through the air. As he reaches the insane height of fifty feet, we see him hanging beneath the motorcycle only to remount the seat, and land safely on another ramp a hundred feet from where he started.

As I was walking my dog along a street in my subdivision today, I witnessed an almost equally strange and unusual sight. A six or seven year old boy running down the street on a miniature ATV. As he and I were facing the same direction, and a car was quickly approaching us, the little guy came around me on the shoulder of the road. As he rode by on the left, he said, “Excuse me, Sir,” and I responded with, “No problem, young man.”

As you might imagine, I was prone to say, “Son, what in the world are you thinking? Don’t you know you’re too young to be sailing down the road “like a bat outta h_ _ _?”

A couple minutes later, and after I had done a 180, and turned for home, I noticed the same little boy, and the same ATV. However, this time around, he had a 2-3 year old boy seated on his lap! I assumed they were brothers.

And I could only wonder, “What could your parents possibly be thinking?”

As I said as I began this musing, I have often wondered how God balances out His plans for each of us as individuals, vs. how we, as human beings, insist on placing our lives in jeopardy.
by William McDonald, PhD

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