Sunday, May 22, 2016

Transgender Pretenders

I have previously written about the recent travesty this country’s illustrious president has visited upon the 50 states of this republic, but feel inclined to add a bit more to my diatribe at this time.

In the past couple of weeks President Obama has clarified (expanded) his “don’t ask, don’t tell” public restroom policy to include free and liberal access by students of either gender to every bathroom, locker room, and shower room in every public school in America. Thus, in spite of the little blue caricature and the caption “Boys” beneath it, and in spite of the little pink caricature and the caption “Girls” beneath it, a pupil may legally use whichever restroom or locker room or shower room appeals to him or her on any given day of the week.

There are any number of difficulties associated with the (not my) president’s unilateral decision to mandate liberalism and political correctness, like it has never been mandated before; not the least of which is the vast majority of American parents’ likely reaction to the enforcement of “his Royal Highness’” decree. Such an edict, as it is now written and mandated, will simply not be tolerated by the vast majority of fathers and mothers in this country.

What, after all, are we to do with them whom I refer to as “Transgender Pretenders” who will use this ridiculous policy to “get an eye full,” and perhaps even snap a few photos while they’re at it? What are we to do with those individuals who are so troubled that they decide to “do their business” in the boy’s restroom on Monday, and shower in the girl’s locker room on Wednesday? 

Will the San Antonio or Waukegan school districts find it in their best interest to appoint an official “Obama Bathroom Use Committee” to determine what qualifications characterize a legal Transgender, (vs. a Transgender Pretender)?

And what do we do with the issue of public safety, i.e., those who will take advantage of this illegitimate policy, and in so doing will visit harm upon our public school students?

Are our state laws relating to Indecent Exposure suddenly null and void in the context of public restrooms and school locker rooms and showers? What, in essence, is the difference between “doing the Lady Godiva thing” in the town square vs. doing the exact same thing in a public school environment? Do Florida and Oregon and Minnesota laws regarding lewd and lascivious behavior become altogether impotent once a young man enters a girl’s locker room and proceeds to disrobe?

This illegitimate, unrighteous and politically correct (PC) decree of the Obama Administration represents an abuse of an omnipotent federal government, and infringes on the rights of state governments to enact what have generally been more conservative and functional rules of law. This recent dictatorial edict “which has come down from above” has diminished, no, stolen away the rights of privacy and safety which the majority have enjoyed for decades in favor of the (so-called) rights of an inestimably small number of our fellow citizens.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary," Vol. 36. Copyright pending

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