Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Small Sliver of Stone

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far the Lord has helped us.’” (1st Samuel 7:12)

I collect rocks

I picked one up from the grounds of President James Madison’s home, and another, a piece of pink granite, from the high country of Yosemite National Park. And I retrieved a chunk of red brick from Hurricane Andrew’s ground zero; where I served with the National Guard for 40 days after that devastating storm. I plucked a fist-sized piece of quartz off the gravesite of my great Uncle; a horse soldier who proudly served the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.

However, I have one stone which I value most, and which I only just now received.

And I realize there’s far too many charlatans out there selling all sorts of snake oil and web root. (Sorry, that’s a software program). But at any rate, I can be sure that what lies next to my keyboard at this moment is “the Real McCoy.”

For you see, one of my two God-daughters (and employer), Ginger and my dear friend, Jeff, her husband, are world travelers; having visited countless countries. And as you might infer, they just returned from a trip overseas. Before she left, (as she tends to do) Ginger asked what token of their visit they might bring me back; (as my friends always return with gifts in hand).

And did I mention this was the trip to end all trips. A tour of several countries in the Mideast; not the least of which was the nation of Israel.

Not only did I receive one stone, but a handful of stones representing Mt. Sinai, Mt. Nebo, The Sea of Galilee, and 

… The Garden Tomb of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Just a small, flat rock. One like you might pick up on the beach, or from your personal flower bed.

But in spite of its non-descript appearance, it is already among my most prized possessions. (And I can honestly say I wouldn’t trade it for a similar sliver of gold; its own same size and weight).

And you might be prone to remark,

“Well, now, all very well and good, but it is little more than a relic of a past-tense trip experienced, and enjoyed by someone other than yourself.”

And if you were prone to think or say something of that nature, my friend,

… You would be wrong

For this small sliver of stone is anything but a simple relic of some other’s former adventure.

For from this day forth, and as long as I draw breath I intend 

… to carry it with me

to the grocery store, to the counseling office, to my local house of worship.

More than a relic. A physical reminder of the resurrection of the God-man, and His amazing wherewithal to grant resurrection power to all who call upon His name. 

An unspoken vow to, as the Holy Spirit gives me power, and as much as lies in me, walk as He walked, to speak as He spoke,

… to live as He lived

To recall His final acts of service towards those who would ultimately betray their allegiance to Him.

The whip. The road. The hill. The tomb

The Cup. The Cross. The Crown

A small, non-descript token which calls me to a live a life not my own. To love, to care, to empathize. To tread that same sacred ground which He, Himself once tread. To, if need be, lay down all the joys of this life for the sake of the Gospel.

A small sliver of stone,

… but so much more

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary," Vol. 36. Copyright pending

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