Friday, June 12, 2015

Praying for a Dead Man

My daughter was in the process of having a baby in a city about 40 miles distant from our house, and we had driven down to be with her. Since it was a long and labor-filled (ya think?) experience we rented a room at a hotel adjacent to the hospital.

Well, that evening my trusty cell phone alerted me that I had a message. Of course, I immediately listened to the recording, and the female voice on the other end, Judy, one of my former clients, made me aware that her uncle was in the hospital, and would I mind praying for him.

I did, and continued to do so the remainder of that weekend. I surmised that I would get back with the young lady early the following week.

After a 25 hour labor and delivery, our grandson was ushered into the world, and we drove back home. True to my intentions I dialed Judy that Monday, told her that I’d received her message, had been praying for her uncle, and asked how he was doing.

There was a long pause, and my friend finally responded with, “Uh, Dr. Bill, my uncle died a year ago!”

Well, now it was my turn to pause. I was dumbfounded. After a moment’s reflection I realized that somehow, someway Judy’s message “had been held  hostage” in cyberspace for an entire year.

As a result of the unexpected news, I explained my strange dilemma, and issued my profound regrets.

I had been praying for a dead man!

(I might add that in John Chapter 11 it worked for Jesus, but it certainly didn’t work for me! The unfortunate fella remained dead).

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary, Vol. 1

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