Saturday, June 27, 2015

9 Against ONE

Yesterday the Supreme Court of the United States took it on its self to interpret our constitution in such a way as to change the established law of this nation; bringing to a total of 50 states in this nation in which same-gender marriage is now legal.

The man some people refer to as “President,” (I don’t, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with his race) issued an edict that the White House, (the People’s House) should be bathed, last night, in the rainbow colors of the gay coalition, a move which angered and offended many of his constituents; given that millions of citizens in this country deplore the outcome of the Supreme Court decision. From my perspective, momentarily coloring the White House pink, yellow and green was designed to be a “throw it up in your face” moment, (and nothing less than defacing a national monument).

Some among my family and friends come from a different persuasion in terms of their opinion about someone like our chief executive who, on the surface, espouses and embraces Christianity, while at the same time supports the gay agenda (and abortion).

Their perspective is that religion and government don’t mix.

However, this nation was founded on the tenants of the Christian faith, and the majority of our founding fathers were believers, (or at the very least deists). The Holy Bible represented the first and primary text by which children were taught to read. Our great universities, such as Harvard and Yale, were populated by Christian professors and students, and the tenants of scripture were taught and counted sacred there.

I like what the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court had to say, in his dissenting opinion, about yesterday’s controversial decision:

“If you are among the many Americans — of whatever sexual orientation — who favor expanding same-sex marriage, by all means celebrate today’s decision,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote. “Celebrate the achievement of a desired goal. Celebrate the opportunity for a new expression of commitment to a partner. Celebrate the availability of new benefits. But do not celebrate the Constitution.

… It had nothing to do with it.”

If as Christians we claim that scripture is the very Word of God, and Proverbs 14:34 admonishes us that, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people,” then how can we legitimately separate the attitude of a nation from the admonishment of God? He desperately involves Himself with the affairs of nations. What represents sin for an individual is all the more sinful for a nation.

We find the definition of marriage, a sacred relationship established and ordained of the Creator, in the first book of an ancient text which Jews and Christians refer to as “God’s Word.”

“Behold, a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)

Thousands of years later, in a subsequent book of scripture, God addresses a man-ordained version of marriage; (or simply a co-habitive relationship).

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. (Romans 1:24-28)

I happen to believe that what we refer to as The Holy Bible is the God-given, every letter and syllable in the book Word of the Creator. The word and context of scripture is clear that we have been denied the wherewithal to treat the Holy Word of God like a smorgasbord; picking and choosing what we like, as if we were loading our plate at a buffet.

While I subscribe to the notion that Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life, it is worth mentioning that Christianity is not the only religion which prohibits homosexual activity, and refers to it as sin. The writings of the Old Testament to which Jews (and Christians) subscribe, and the Qur’an, the volume considered holy by the adherents (Muslims) of the Islamic faith are very clear in their prohibition of homosexual activity.

Beyond the forgoing, even nature, itself, attests to the functionality of a one man- one woman marital relationship. The scripture of which I have previously alluded (Gen. 2:24) speaks to the practice of “leaving and cleaving.”

…”shall be joined to his wife.”

Anatomically, the parts fit like a puzzle; as if they were designed for that purpose; which they were. (As some sage once mused about the topic, "It was Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve").


Practically, the continued presence of mankind on the face of this planet requires the presence of one man and one woman. (No offspring have ever yet been born in the context of a same-gender relationship).

Yesterday, The Supreme Court voted 5-4 to broaden the definition of marriage among all 50 of our United States. While I believe this decision represents a sad day in the history of this great nation, the opinions of 5 men and women lack the power to rewrite God’s Word, or to ultimately change His (or my) mind on the matter.

As a legislator in Texas recently said, (and said it well)

..."Any law which violates the stated will of God is no law at all. Our nation has bowed to the law of political correctness."

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "Concepts, Teachings, Practicalities & Stories"


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