Friday, June 24, 2022


There is a story of Martin Luther, the founder of the Lutheran Church, who had been a lowly monk in the Catholic Church before he became enlightened to the abuses of that church during the middle ages. One abuse including "doing penance" for one's sins, and in certain cases the abuse of the church was significant in this regard. For you see, one day Martin Luther was climbing up the steps of a church in Germany, on his knees... across rocks and broken glass!!! As he climbed he suddenly heard a voice. "Rise Martin Luther! The just shall live by faith!" The little monk stood up and never did penance again realizing that Christ had paid it all, and there was nothing a man could do to make up for his sins or to be justified by God. Sometimes people attempt to bring us back into bondage by requiring us to do certain things, or say certain things or live a certain way which pleases them. Anything which contributes to our bondage is like doing penance, and hoping and expecting that something we can do will make us right before God and man.'

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