Wednesday, July 29, 2020


I have little or no time for the TCM (Turner Classic Movies) Channel. I mean, I’m just “not into” the old 30’s, 40’s & 50’s black & white movies. With very few exceptions, I believe the movies of today are so much better produced, directed and portrayed in virtually every sense of the word.

However, I consider, the 1939 production, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” with Jimmy Stewart, one of those exceptions. As I flipped to the TCM Channel today, I happened upon that very movie. And about 20 minutes into the movie, I noticed something I hadn’t noticed before.

We see “Mr. Smith” climbing the steps to the Lincoln Memorial, and standing below the statue of Old Abe, he looks intently into his oversized eyes.

My father’s second cousin, the WWII actress and vocalist, Frances Langford, appeared in a couple of movies with Jimmy Stewart; among which was, “The Glenn Miller Story.” In it, Stewart “plays” the trombone at a military dance, and my cousin, Frances, portrays herself, and sings, “Chattanooga Choo Choo.”

And you know, it occurs to me that Abraham Lincoln, Jimmy Stewart, and Frances Langford are, for different reasons, among my most favorite famous, (with the emphasis on “famous”) people of all time.


But you know, there will come a day and time when Jimmy, and his co-star Frances will stand on equal footing with the billions who have preceded them, and the former of the two will no longer have to raise his eyes towards ole Abe, but will see him face to face.

And in that day, they and the myriad of men and women, and boys and girls, who have sometimes strutted and fretted out their lives upon the stage, will lift their eyes towards a different throne, and will not be able to turn their gaze from the One who took on flesh and dwelt among us, who willingly sacrificed Himself to satisfy the demands of a righteous God, and who rules and reigns forevermore. 

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending

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