Tuesday, April 2, 2019


While my mom had wanted to take a DNA test for quite some time, it was only after she had been admitted to a nursing home that I pulled up the 23&Me website, and ordered the kit for her; debiting her account for a whopping $200.00.

A few weeks later the DNA test kit arrived, I drove to the nursing home, opened the cap, and instructed my mother to spit in the tube. Little did I know that I was facing a marathon task. For you see, mama could barely ‘conjure up’ a few beads of saliva.

Of course, I encouraged her to take her time and “give it her best shot.” As the minutes ticked by, I naturally thought, “If she doesn’t manage to put an inch of spit in that vial, she just gave the 23&Me company two Ben Franklin’s.”

However, after much encouragement from yours truly, and an expenditure of twenty minutes, both my mother and I were relieved to see an inch of translucent fluid in the bottom of the tube. Capping it, and releasing the stabilizing agent, I shook it, slipped it into the plastic bag, tucked it into the small cardboard box, and drove the package to the nearest post office.

Five or six weeks later I received the following email message:

“Erma, your 23&Me DNA analysis is ready. Click on the attached weblink, enter your name and password, and your results page will appear.”

Dear readers, I regret to tell you that my mother passed away two weeks before I opened this email. She never saw the report which detailed a myriad of her ancestral origins.

Pt. 2

Hi Erma,

Three years ago, you completed 23andMe's health history survey, "Your Health Profile".

One of our goals at 23andMe is to understand how genes influence our changing health over time. Please take the next step in this research and update your health history.

As a reminder, we may ask you to update your health history every year.

If you have any questions about how to access your account or these surveys, please contact Customer Care.

Thank you for your continued participation in genetic research.

The 23andMe Research Team

When I saw the heading of the message, “Erma, Please Update Your Health History” I mentioned it to my wife, and we both chimed in together,

“I’m dead!”

Pt. 3

As a professor in a local university I once spoke about the ‘melting pot’ which is America; the most amazing compilation of peoples from an astounding number of countries from throughout the world. After I looked over my mother’s DNA report, and my own, I am convinced that she was, and I am our own individual melting pots; an extraordinary blend of people groups from four of the seven continents.

While my mother went on to her reward before she learned the results of her DNA test, and I have been prone to notify the company that they needn’t bother her anymore with their updates, I am glad that I am privy to their findings.

Speaking of those among our ancestors, and relatives who have “gone on to glory,” I saw a blurb the other day which really registered with me, and which speaks to the past and the present, and the implications thereof.

“For all intents and purposes, you are the only reason your ancestors ever lived.”

That is to say that those who have gone on before us are long past living, and breathing, and moving, and loving, and acting, and they are depending on us to impact our world in their place.

There is a scene in the movie, “Dances With Wolves” in which an old mule driver reminisces about his relatives, and the possibility he could be killed by Indians, as he comes and goes in the 19th century west. And  speaking of their fondest hope that he will return safely to them, he says,

“I hope I don’t disappoint them!”

Well, dear friends, I hope I don’t disappoint those among my ancestors and relatives who have gone on before me.

But I can tell you with all the earnestness which is within me, I don’t intend to fail them while I still have time to make a difference among those whom God has set in my pathway. For there will come a time when, like my own dear mother, I will not be able to respond to those who call out to me, nor impact one soul on this side of eternity, but rather, I will have joined the ranks of those who have preceded the next generation, and who depend on that generation to impact their world, and make a difference in their name.

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending

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