Sunday, September 9, 2018

EPHESIANS CHAPTER FOUR from The McDonald Paraphrase of the New Testament

I call on you as God’s prisoner to live your lives in such a way that you are an honor to your noble calling. Exercise humbleness and gentleness, and be patient with one another, thus fulfilling the law of love. Make every effort to cooperate with and exercise peaceful intentions towards your fellow believers, as this is pleasing to the Spirit of God who dwells within you.

There is only one body and only one Spirit, just as you were called to only one hope when you came to a saving knowledge of Christ. There is, (as you are all too aware) one Lord, one faith and one baptism. There is only one God and one Father of all of us; who is and will always be preeminent and living through the lives of all believers.

The Holy Spirit distributes different gifts, and those who minister in the gifts have different roles. And each and every believer has been given grace as God has chosen to apportion that amazing grace. This is why the scripture says,

“After He rose into the heavens

He took many captives

and gave various gifts to mankind.”

What, after all, does the word “ascended” imply, except that He (meaning Christ) also descended from heaven to a base and troubled world? He who descended from the very throne of God is the same One who returned there, and in so doing, He fills up the entire universe.

And the gifts He invests in men and women vary. So, Christ gave us  apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors and teachers to equip believers for the work of the ministry, so that the body of Christ might be edified, until we all attain unity in our faith, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ and have reached maturity; obtaining the level of faith, character, and giftedness which He so badly desires for us.

God did not create us, nor did He commission us to behave as infants, tossed about by the winds, and waves of the sea, and negatively influenced by the cunning and teaching of false prophets who stand against our glorious Gospel. We are, however, called to tell the Truth, to pursue it with love, to mature in Him, and emulate the nature of our Savior, Christ Jesus. For through Him the entire body, joined and held together by ligaments and tendons and joints has been built up and functions in love; as each part does it respective work.

Thus, I admonish you in the Lord. Refuse to continue living as the heathen live. For they are darkened in their comprehension, and have been separated from the vision and vitality of the Lord because of the innate ignorance and insensitivity which resides within them. They have surrendered every last bit of sensitivity to the leading of the Spirit, they have embraced a spirit of lust, and they indulge themselves in the most provocative of sins.

But this is not the manner of life which you were taught by Jesus Christ, if by chance you ever heard Him speak, and if you comprehended the meaning of His words. For our Lord instructed you to dispense with your former way of behaving, (which was rotten through and through) to adopt the mind of Christ and to put on a new mindset; for you were created to cooperate with God and to emulate His righteousness and holiness.

Therefore, each of you should renounce any tendency for lying, and you should tell the truth to believers and unbelievers, alike. For, after all, we are members of one body, the Body of Christ (and we represent our beloved Master). Avoid useless displays of anger which result from pride and a biased attitude. Refrain from going to bed without resolving any petty arguments with your spouse; which only causes your natural enemy to take pride in his power over you. If you once earned your living as a thief you must cease and desist, and procure honest work, and, subsequently, contribute to the needs of believers who don’t have quite as much as you.

“Swear off” the kind of abusive language which you used as an unbeliever, and make use the kind of words which will benefit your brothers and sisters. And, by all means, do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom we have been identified and set aside ‘til the Day of Redemption.

Dispense with bitterness, anger and rage, pride, slander and empty accusations. Exercise empathy towards one another, and attempt to understand and compromise with your fellow believers.  And, of course, I want to encourage you to forgive one another, as you have been forgiven by God; through the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.

by William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from The McDonald Paraphrase of the New Testament. Copyright 2018

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