Wednesday, March 23, 2016

When Will They Ever Learn?

Yesterday a couple of numnucks representing the so-called “Islamic State,” (which is no state at all) set off explosives and blew “the h _ _ _” out of three locations in Brussels, Belgium. 

Thirty innocent victims died, and scores were injured.

On a macrocosmic basis, authorities were well aware that one or more European attacks were imminent. On a microcosmic basis, authorities knew the identities of the two “bad boy” brothers involved in the airport attack, that they’d been connected with previous criminal behavior, and at one time or another they had been under surveillance. 

Now, I ask you given the recent attacks by Islamic radicals in France, the “e-chatter” related to possible attacks in Europe, and the previous criminal behavior of various radical elements in the area, why can’t fools like this been reigned in “before the fact,” and attacks such as these prevented?

Another logical question. Why do countries such as Belgium, France and England tolerate Radical Islam within the confines of their national borders? Why aren’t such despicable “people” immediately deported to Outer Mongolia, (or some other miserable region of the world)?

I can almost hear the words of the Vietnam era folk song playing in the background.

“When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?”

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