Sunday, August 30, 2015

Guns (and Knives and Bats and Rocks)

I have previously written about the recent shooting of the reporter and her cameraman.

And of course, dozens of these horrific events have occurred in the past 10-20 years.

And who can deny it. It is just so inestimably sad, and unacceptable.

This country has more guns per capita than any other country on earth, and the remedy to this dilemma has been, and will continue to be debated for years to come.

Some politicians, so-called experts and laymen, alike, have suggested that every handgun and semi-automatic firearm in America be collected. Others, such as members of the NRA, have taken a much firmer stance, and recoiled at the very thought of gun control; citing our Right to Bear Arms.

While I am appalled every time I learn of a shooting in a school or theater, or the ambush of a policeman, the notion that we can collect, or simply register every gun in America is asinine.

And while I am all for registration, and to say I am in favor of reputable background checks to deny emotionally-troubled individuals access to firearms would be an understatement, the option of mass-collection is simply a non-starter. Not only does it fly in the face of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, but the logistics of such an undertaking would be impossible.

I’m not a member of the National Rifle Association, nor do I own a gun, but I am savvy enough to realize that,

If it were possible to register or collect every known firearm in America, millions of unknown, unregistered handguns and “military assault weapons” would remain in the hands of lunatics and criminals. It is, after all, not the conscientious citizen who purchases a handgun for protection, or the avid hunter whom we have any reason to fear.

And if by some unknown means it were possible to rid America, (or the entire world) of every handgun and assault weapon, (which it is not) the lunatics and criminals among us would use knives, and if they were magically denied access to knives, they would use baseball bats, and when, after much use the baseball bats broke into splinters, they would use rocks.

For this entire issue is, I think, being misconstrued.

It is not, as too many politicians, and well-meaning citizens believe, about guns.

No, my friends. It is, in essence, about the demented, ego-centric, unredeemed mindset of those among us who mean us harm, and who will use any means available to visit their wicked agenda upon us.
By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 5







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