Sunday, August 29, 2021


A loyal American cannot help but praise and give thanks to the 13 brave American servicemen and servicewomen who gave the last full measure of devotion recently in Afghanistan. The military does the bidding of the President of the United States, right or wrong, rain, hail, snow or storm.

However, this administration and possibly the one preceding it "botched up the job." (I have never liked the term "screwed up." It seems kinda vulgar to me).

We made promises to those who helped us in our War Against Terror. We told them that if you assist us, if you interpret for us, if you cook meals for us, if you do intelligence work for us, if you wash our clothes or drive our vehicles, when this war is over, we will get you and your families out of this country.
I honestly don't believe the numbers the administration is putting out. "Over 100,000 American and Afghani citizens have been flown out of Kabal Airport in the last two weeks." But let's say for debate sake this is an accurate number. It is estimated that we are leaving another 200,000 Afghani allies and their families in harms way. We HAVE NOT kept our promises. Too many of them are likely to be severely punished or executed for assisting the American military. I think it is absolutely deplorable.

We might have easily begun the airlift of our native allies before Afghanistan fell to the Taliban, while there were several American bases in which these people could have sought refuge, and been flown out to allied countries. Now, road blocks have been set up by the Taliban, and even if our friends show their documents, they are likely to be torn from their hands, and a lash taken to their backs.

Whomever is responsible for this lack of planning and lack of putting the planning into operation should be ashamed, most especially whomever is responsible for leaving our friends to languish in the hands of people who intend to seal their fates.

by William McDonald, PhD

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