Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Before cable news networks existed, there was such a thing as "world news."

Nowadays, if you watch CNN, MS-NBC or FOX, you will be exposed to a 24 hour a day tirade for or against Pres. Donald Trump, (of whom I will withhold my opinion, as it is not relevant here).
However, I have theorized that the liberal anchors and their producers at CNN and MS-NBC will (strangely enough) vote for Donald Trump, since they have a large lineup of "Bash Trump" programs in place, and the advertisers to go with it, and would prefer not to change their lucrative programming. And I have theorized that the anchors and producers at FOX will (strangely enough) vote for Joe Biden since their viewership and profits are likely to rise if he wins the election, and they suddenly can go into a 24 hour a day "Bash Biden" format.
God forbid if two of the three cable news networks actually returned to a world news format. However, I think you are likely to see it if Joe Biden wins the election, and CNN and MS-NBC no longer have anyone left to bash.

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