Friday, September 4, 2020


One day a little girl walked up to her father, and said to him,

"Daddy, I have a gift for you."

And with this, Susan handed her dad a small, white cardboard box tied up with a gold ribbon. And as he accepted the gift, he noticed that it was extremely light. Pulling the ribbon off, he opened the box, and realized that it was completely... empty.

It seems Susan's dad had a slight anger problem, and this little joke didn't make him happy. And he began to scold his little girl.

"Susan, when someone gives you a gift, there's supposed to be something inside!"

With tears in her eyes, the little girls responded,

"But Daddy, before I closed the box, and put the ribbon on it, I filled it full of my kisses!"

You could have heard a pin drop. Susan's father was heartstruck, could not stop apologizing, and scooped his daughter up in his arms.

"Please forgive me, Susan. I didn't know. Thank you for all those beautiful kisses!"

Now the little girl wiped the tears from her eyes, and a big smile appeared on her face.

Sadly, within months Susan passed away. Of course, her father and mother were stricken with inconsolable grief. 

Over the course of several decades that this dear father remained on earth, he would keep that little white pasteboard box next to his bed. And when he began to think about Susan, and long to hold her in his arms again, he would open the lid of the shabby, little white box, ... and pull out an invisible kiss. 

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending

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