Friday, September 20, 2019


You never knew that when we brought you home from the airport you stole our heart and became our first love...or maybe you did.
You never knew people always called you a boy because you were so big...or maybe you did.
You didn’t know you were the best dog we’ve ever owned, the prettiest, and the sweetest and that you were our princess...or maybe you did.
You didn’t know that even though he jumped on you, pulled your tail and became a huge part of our family after you had been “the only child”, you were Cohen’s best friend...or maybe you did.
I’m not even sure you knew you were sick...or maybe you did.
You didn’t know when we took you on that extended golf cart ride last night that it would be your last...or maybe you did.
You didn’t know that the trip to Chic-fil-a to get you ice cream would be the last one you would ever eat...or maybe you did.
You didn’t know that we sent bubs to Gigi’s house so that we could spend more one on one time with you, one last night...or maybe you did.
You didn’t notice or think it was odd that we both took off work today to spend every last minute and second with you...or maybe you did.
You didn’t know that when we laid in the floor with you this morning rubbing your belly and your back, it was us not wanting to let go...or maybe you did.
You didn’t know that one last walk this morning around the pond would be your victory lap...or maybe you did.
When we walked out the door to head to the vet, you didn’t know you weren’t ever coming back...or maybe you did.
You didn’t know that I would cry over you more than any person I have ever lost... or maybe you did.
You never knew the legacy you have built and would leave behind because of how amazing you were...or maybe you did.
We never dreamed this day would come so soon, you were only seven...but maybe you did.
You were the greatest. You were loved unconditionally. You were truly a different breed. You can’t ever be replaced. We will never forget you as long as we live. Forever you will hold a piece of our hearts.
I’m going to miss coming home to your overly excited self, wagging tail and big ol feet. I’m going to miss seeing you run wild and free in North Carolina and at the beach, where I know you always wanted to be, you were my mountain and river dog. You amazed me from the day we first got you, how smart and submissive you were. At times you would annoy the crap out of me and would be stubborn to the core, but I’d take all of it times ten right now to have you back and healthy again.

This is the hardest day of my life and everything reminds me of you. I keep hoping it’s a dream. I pray that you knew you were loved, adored, spoiled, and had equal share in our family. I tried to make these last several of hours with you the best I could, I wanted you to be as happy as possible. I don’t know if dogs really go to Heaven or not, but if you’re there, just go hang out with Jesus until I can meet you there. I love you so much baby girl and you will forever be our princess.
I’m not ok, but I’ll be alright.

Love you baby girl...

(Shawn Lawson)

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