Wednesday, April 20, 2016


As I finished pedaling my nightly 10 mile trek, and laid down to what should have otherwise been pleasant dreams, I was rudely awakened by the incessant ringing of my cell phone.

This half-completed decade has been anything but prosperous years for my mother. My father succumbed to a stroke, and shortly thereafter my mother sustained a fall and broke her physical (and) proverbial hip. Physical in terms of admittance to a skilled nursing facility for the purpose of intensive rehabilitation, and proverbial in relation to a gradual decline in her spirit; (and to which countless patients in her circumstances have been subjected).

The R.N. on the other end of the line informed me that she thought my mother had experienced a stroke, that she was unresponsive, and that I should make my way to the nursing facility, as soon as possible.

Upon arrival on the premises, and having walked into Room 24, my mother’s condition was as had been described to me. Her eyes were closed, her head was lying sideways on the pillow, and her respirations were quick and raspy. Oddly enough, after about 15 minutes, and with some prompting, mama rallied a bit, opened her eyes, and became quietly coherent, and communicative. While my mother denied having heard my voice, or that of any other family member, prior to rallying from her troubled dreams, I have little doubt something in our tender provocations briefly brought her back to us. A precious respite from the promised visitation, as old as Adam, and awaiting every man and beast which ever inhabited this planet.

Ultimately, my mother’s previous symptoms returned, and with the passing hours her breathing became more labored, her vital signs spiraled downward, and the pallor of death confused her complexion. 

And as daylight gave way to dusk, our dear and devoted mother slipped quietly into the strong arms of Him who was from the beginning, and in whom we are given sure and everlasting promises. 

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 35. Copyright pending

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