I have been thinking a lot about one particular topic lately
I simply can't get it off my mind; (nor do I especially want to). It is a subject that every helper will at one time, or another consider; if he or she lives long enough on this good earth.
But to back up a wee bit
I have served in the capacity of pastoral counselor for 30 plus years, and I find myself near "the jumping off" point. To tell you I began my ministry at the relatively young age of 45 will immediately clue you in to both my current age, if you do the simple math, and the dilemma of what comes next for me.
In the course of those 30 plus years, in ten locations, God has invested thousands of men, women and children, into my care. And I have not only been generally happy with the results of my time and efforts, but it has been a personally gratifying endeavor.
They say, "Whatever you give, you get" and "Whatever good thing you do always comes back to you." And I have proven this concept to be true. (And we are not necessarily talking about green paper with dead president's pictures).
In the course of my time on earth, most especially the past several years, when I have been much more aware of it, I have witnessed people in various professions linger a bit too long, (at least from my estimation), and I am determined not to emulate that circumstance in my own life.
And I think people with the kind of realization and determination I have expressed ought to be quantifying whatever remains of their current status. And as a result, I have thought in terms of 2-3 more years, lest I "overstay my welcome."
Back in 1993 I met with my first client, a young lady with the initials J.U. There is someone out there with different initials, still unknown to me, but known to God, who will serve as my final client.
I think it's an awesome thing to consider when you are starring into your own professional sunset, and the proverbial night is slowly darkening around you.
Almost every day I pray,
"Lord, don't allow me to miss whatever remains of my destiny."
Thankfully, when I step away from my current ministry and profession, He still has something else for me to do, and someone else for me to impact.
And I find myself eagerly looking forward to what comes next.
by Bill McDonald, PhD
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