Monday, September 9, 2024



There is a story about Napolean in which he calls his subordinates together and pulls out a map of the world. Pointing to one location on the map, he says,
"I could rule the world, except for that one red dot."
Starring intently at the map, Napolean's lieutenants notice that their commander has placed a big red dot on the nation of England.
And in much the same way, I can see our natural enemy, Satan, holding a strategy session with his own subordinates. He, too, pulls out a map, a map of just one city, a city in Israel. Jerusalem. And like Napolean, old Slew Foot suddenly muses,
"I could rule the world, except for that one red dot."
Starring intently at the map of the holy city, Lucifer's lieutenants notice he has placed a large red dot on the site of a mountain, a mountain named Golgotha; the place of the cross.
by William McDonald, PhD

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