Thursday, August 22, 2024



Years ago, over half a century to be more exact, I attended a summer revival at our church in Tampa, Florida. The evangelist, (whose name I have long since forgotten), had a peculiar habit of winding up and kicking one foot in front of him as he was making a particularly important point. After several days, well, nights the revival closed. As his last sermon became history, Pastor Matheny invited the congregation to linger and bid the evangelist goodbye.
A few people rose from the pews, and headed for the lobby. However, the majority lined up and filed past the minister. As I reached "Rev. Jones" and said whatever I felt inclined to say, he looked directly into my eyes, and exclaimed, "Stay encouraged!"
At the time, those two words didn't mean all that much to me. However, in the fifty plus years which have transpired since that moment, those words have become immeasurably precious to me. As a matter of fact, the word "Encouragement" has become my favorite word, and I have shared the foregoing story, and those two special words with countless people. I have no idea if the evangelist is still among the land of the living, but those two words have been a gift that has kept on giving.
Recently, I was reminded of the import and impact of encouragement.
You see, one of my social media friends is a Ukranian woman; who I have not thus far had the pleasure of meeting, (and who I may never have the opportunity to meet).
I will not identify the young lady, nor will I share the exact nature of our communication, but I have attempted to encourage her in the midst of that unjust war, and the terrible onslaught of artillery fire, bomb damage and the immense loss of life there. It is enough to say that "Ursula" made me aware that my written words have buoyed her spirits, and lent her some encouragement during the weary days and sleepless nights her country has been under attack by a relentless foe.
It has been wonderful to learn that I have made a difference in a single life during the midst of that terrible conflict, and have offered her "strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow."
"But day by day, and as long as today shall last, continue to encourage one another." (Hebrews 3:13)
by Bill McDonald, PhD

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