Thursday, June 27, 2024



I was listening to a segment of Night Sounds Radio recently, and the topic happened to be Abandonment, a subject with which I can easily identify; since a number of my students, clients and interns with whom I developed a comradery, after a little season, and without so much as a word, chose to go their own way.


And it is no 'stretch' to assure you, at such times as these, that I have felt a great deal of companionship with Jesus, and the scenario in which many of His outer circle "kicked Him to the curb."


And as a result of the devastation He experienced, our Lord looked at the Twelve, and asked,


"Will you also go away?"


And I think the human side of the God-man exemplified itself more so here, than at any other time in the New Testament Gospels.


As the radio program to which I referred continued, the late Bill Pearce "set up" the next song with the following disclaimer:


"A few years ago, I was at a particular religious gathering, and a young man took the stage, and sang, perhaps, the most poignant song I have ever heard.


As I spoke to him later, he shared how that just before he performed, he had received a call from his wife. She informed him that she was leaving, and was taking their two small daughters with her. 


After receiving news like this, I cannot tell you how this young man summoned up the wherewithal to perform for the audience. It's obvious that he leaned hard on the Lord at that moment; since there is no other way he could have navigated that very worst moment of his life, and expressed such vulnerability with his audience.


Later, this young vocalist sent me an audio tape of the song, and I'd like to share it with you now."

(My note: Try as I might, I could not find the lyrics of this song on the internet or YouTube. But since it so greatly impacted me, I sat down with a 'saved' version of the broadcast, and played the hymn again, and again, 'til I was able to transcribe the entire rendition).


(Author Unknown)

Where can you go that I can’t see?

On the highest of mountains

In the heat of the desert

In the life-consuming deep

and lonely heart of life’s seas


Where can you hurt that I can’t feel?

When you feel like you’re dying

Need a shoulder for crying

Come to me. I’m waiting here

with open arms that can heal


I’ll be a Father to the fatherless

A faithful Friend

when none are there

My heart of love is fathomless

and it reaches anywhere


I will be there through

the long lonely nights

never letting you go

I will hold. I will love you

with all my might

I will be there. I will be there. I will be there


I will be there, and I want you to know

I will never leave you alone

I’ll never go. I’ll never go. I will never let you go

I will be there. I will be there. I will be there


What can you feel that I can’t bear?

Any burden you’re bearing

Any sorrow you carry

Any heartache, any loneliness

or despair


What can you see that I can’t see?

Even death was defeated

all the work was completed

I’ve prepared a special place

here in my heart just for you


I’ll be a husband to the husbandless

A faithful Friend

when none are there

Inside my heart of love is faithfulness

and it reaches anywhere


I will be there through

the long lonely nights

never letting you go

I will hold. I will love you

with all my might

I will be there. I will be there. I will be there


I will be there, and I want you to know

I will never leave you alone

I’ll never go. I’ll never go. I will never let you go

I will be there. I will be there. I will be there


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