Saturday, May 1, 2021


 Noah was the laughing stock of his generation, but multiplied billions of boys and girls, men and women, and the animals which populate the earth owe their lives to him. Abram was a Gentile, but was renamed and 're-nationed' by God, was given the wherewithal to procreate children in his old age, and became the father of the Jewish race, and a spiritual father to modern day believers. Joseph was an accused rapist and prisoner turned prime minister in a foreign land. Moses was a killer and outcast, but parted the Red Sea, and led millions of Jews out of Egypt. Rahab was a Gentile and harlot, but became a great grandmother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jacob was a deceiver and disabled, but was chosen to be the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. Elijah wished to die, but was translated into heaven and never saw death. Samson had his eyes gorged out by the Philistines, but brought a heathen temple down, and destroyed more of his enemies in death than he did in life. Ruth was a Moabite and immigrant, but was elected by God to be the great grandmother of King David. David was a murderer and adulterer turned king, but was described as "a man after God's own heart," was a writer of scripture, and ancestor of our Lord and Savior. Solomon had hundreds of wives and concubines, but was the wisest man who ever lived. Daniel was a man without a country, but advised the king of Babylon. Thomas was a doubter, but was chosen by Jesus, and is thought to have died a martyr's death in India. Judas was Christ' betrayer, and though his agenda was flawed, his words and actions allowed God's eternal plan of redemption for mankind to reach fruition. Peter denied Jesus, but thousands were saved as the result of his sermon on the day of Pentecost. Paul was the new Church's greatest persecutor, but became its most beloved and eloquent spokesman, and the author of half of the New Testament.

William McDonald, PhD

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