Thursday, March 25, 2021


I believe something has to be done to contain the current flood of illegal minor children (15,000 thus far) into the United States from Mexico and Central American countries.

The journey which these minor children take, in some cases a thousand miles in length, is simply dangerous and unconscionable.
I cannot imagine their parents allowing them to pack everything up and head across deserts and jungles, and at the same time experience the very real possibility of robbers and rapists, hunger, thirst, the spread of the Corona Virus (which 1 in 8 are positive for) and possible death.
It ain't gonna happen, but I would suggest our president contact all the nations from which these minor children are coming, and insist that their borders be closed to this mass migration, and if these countries refuse to do anything to stem the flood of illegal immigrants, that our military be sent into these nations, and forcibly seal their borders for them.
A notice by flyer, newspaper, radio, TV, and/or social media should be provided to the inhabitants of these countries that if they insist on crossing U.S. borders, after rest and a meal they would be transported back across the Mexican border, and surrendered to whatever social agencies (such as the Salvation Army) exist there. (Obviously, the word would get around that there would be no long term sanctuary in the United States).
Those who wish to apply for asylum could apply at the U.S. Embassy in their respective countries and need not make the long and dangerous trek to the U.S. No asylum applications would be accepted on our side of the U.S. border.
(I guess I should run for the highest office in the land).

by William McDonald, PhD

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