Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Two...We Lose

There’s a current commercial on television which castigates the Republican nominee Donald Trump for having made fun of a disabled reporter in mimicking his speech and behavioral patterns. 

In the political ad, a young husband and wife make us aware of how much they love their own disabled daughter, and what a blessing she is to them. (And no doubt, she is). Each parent goes on to express abject shock with the words and actions of Mr. Trump. 

And to be sure, I have little or no use for this ‘fat cat’ and find his behavior, in this regard, reprehensible.

And though the commercial doesn’t specifically endorse the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, obviously at this stage she is the only other viable candidate for the office of the Presidency of the United States. I mean if you don’t vote for one, you either cast your vote for the other, enter a write in candidate, (and waste your vote) or refuse to vote at all.

It is impossible for me to watch the ad without thinking,

“If Donald Trump is the bad guy here, the implication must be that Hillary Clinton is the good girl here.”

Well now, to be fair let’s back up a moment.

Isn’t Hillary Clinton in favor of unimpeded access to women’s health care? (a.k.a. the pro-choice agenda). 

Given this fact, the little girl in the previous illustration, and for that matter, the reporter which Donald Trump characterized, might have never moved, and breathed and lived on this planet. And given the realization that this country provides unrestricted access to abortion, 1.5 million unborn American children succumb to abortion on a yearly basis.

I am no fan of DT or HC, and I will be hard pressed to cast a vote for either, but the foregoing reflection seems especially ironic to me.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary, Vol. 38. Copyright pending

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