Wednesday, February 24, 2016

What I Wish I Had Known as a 2nd Semester High School Senior

So, this is it. You’re in the homestretch my friends. You’re in your final semester of childhood. It’s insane, I know. Time is going to fly by faster than you ever could have imagine it would. It’s the little moments and the seemingly insignificant memories you’re going to miss the most. The spontaneous nights with lifelong friends, or the thought provoking conversations with teachers. The bus rides home with teammates, or the laughs shared with classmates. Make lots of moments, have a TON of fun. Here’s a couple of tidbits of advice I gathered from my now washed-up-freshmen-in-college friends. Enjoy.

1.     The familiarity you’re feeling right now isn’t going to last that much longer. Enjoy it, love it.
2.     Have so much fun (within reason)
3.     Work hard (within reason)
4.     Rebuild your burnt bridges
5.     Don’t hate on prom, we all know you somewhere deep down love it
6.     Confess your love to your longtime crush
7.     STUDY FOR YOUR AP EXAMS!! #downwithcore
8.     The petty stuff will not matter in four months, don’t waste your time
9.     On graduation day, go back to the places you loved growing up
10.                        Eat at your favorite restaurants as often as you can, you may as well start the broke college life early
11.                        But also enjoy your mom’s cooking, you’ll miss it
12.                        Take pictures...and videos!!!
13.                        You don’t have to watch the bachelor alone. Hang out with your friends on school nights
14.                        It feels like everything is the last time, make that a positive thing
15.                        Eat that donut but...
16.                        You’re never going to be skinnier than you are now
17.                        Thrive in the excitement and uncertainty of the entire semester
18.                        Don’t waste your energy acting negatively towards others
19.                        Say hi to people, you may never see them again after graduation
20.                        Enjoy it while it lasts, because believe it or not, you will miss it someday
21.                        Go to the game or the party or the play. Netflix isn’t going anywhere
22.                        Don’t be afraid of anything or anyone
23.                        Revel in the nostalgia, but live in the present too
24.                        Again...take pictures!!!!!!
25.                        Graduation day will be one of the best days of your life
26.                        Go on an adventure with your friends, some of them won’t be around forever
27.                        Take one last lap through your high school with your closest friends
28.                        Take a high school musical kinda jump if you’re feeling really adventurous
29.                        Laugh. At everyone, at everything
30.                        The people you want to stay in touch with, you will
31.                        Hang out with your younger siblings. they’re going to miss you.
32.                        Tell your parents, truly, about your day
33.                        Go out of your way to say thank you, to whoever that may be
34.                        Take pictures of your hometown. You’ll want those someday.
35.                        Live life like you’re 80 looking back on your teenage years
36.                        Get involved
37.                        Have lots and lots of sleepovers
38.                        Blast your favorite songs and drive around town with your best friends
39.                        Your teachers are really, really sad to see you go. Hang out with them too
40.                        Don’t forget about your dog either. take him/her for a walk or something
41.                        Take trips to the city wherever that city may be
42.                        Take lots of pictures of those city trips, ok?
43.                        Give blood. Because why not
44.                        Learn to pick vegetables, even when there's a plate of fries in front of you
45.                        Do random things with random groups of people. A lot of the time those are the best memories.
46.                        Enjoy those friendships that are strictly in-class-ask-for-homework-kind-of-friendships. Their expiration date is coming up quickly
47.                        There’s no reason you have to wait on the waitlist
48.                        Make your friends birthdays a big deal. It may be the last time you’re all together for it
49.                        You’ll know where you want to spend the next four years. You’ll get a feeling trust me.
50.                        Regret literally nothing, no shame no gain am i right?
51.                        Talk to someone you never would’ve struck up a conversation with
52.                        It’s okay to go random, or pick a roommate out on Facebook, there are pros and cons to both
53.                        Get a job over the summer!!!!!! You’ll be happy when you don’t have to call you parents every week for money
54.                        Talk to your friends about everything, they’re probably feeling the same things you are
55.                        College is awesome, but there is nothing like memories with your childhood best friends
56.                        So make more.
57.                        Oh, and did I mention to take pictures and videos??
58.                        Long story short, welcome to one of the best times of your life so far. Enjoy every single second. 

*I don't necessarily subscribe to every item on this list, but there are many good 
suggestions included here.

(from a current article)

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