Saturday, July 9, 2016

Political Correctness

We live in an age of Political Correctness.

Unless you believe and publically align yourself with what is promoted as the ‘majority view’ you’re not only Politically Incorrect, but you are wrong, biased, evil and …should be summarily cast into outer darkness.

I witnessed an interview a few years ago between a CNN anchor and the Baptist minister, Rick Warren. During the interview the anchorwoman inquired concerning his views on abortion. Rev. Rick did not hesitate for a moment. He presented the Biblical view of life at conception, and the scriptural perspective that all life is precious and should be respected and protected; whether life inside the womb or that of the aged who fill up our nursing homes.

Well, you would have thought he committed a sacrilege against the anchorwoman, the network, the City of Atlanta (where CNN has its headquarters), the State of Georgia, the United States of America, and the nations of the world!

The ‘news’ woman launched into a diatribe designed to not only correct the good minister’s opinion, but humiliate him to the enth degree. Nevertheless, Rev. Warren ‘stuck to his guns’ and refused to relent on what he believed God’s Word had to say on the matter.

While it is Politically Incorrect to challenge the tenants and traditions of every other religion which exists on this planet, it seems ‘open season’ has been declared on Christianity; especially among liberals and ‘news networks’ with a liberal agenda.

Speaking of Political Correctness, recently our esteemed president issued a (royal) edict which mandated all public schools in this nation open up their restrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms to so-called ‘transgender’ students of the opposite birth gender. He and his equally esteemed Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, broadcast speeches in which they likened this development to the Civil Rights movement of the mid-20th century. (I mean, the last time I checked public exhibitionism used to be considered a crime which could result in significant time behind bars).

And in the context of our culture, don’t even think of ‘coming out’ against the practice of homosexuality. The LGTB agenda rules and reigns in our country. In a culture in which gays take ‘pride’ in that which was once thought of as shameful, in recent years homosexuality is promoted as an ‘alternative lifestyle.’ Ultimately, I believe we will see a day when churches will forfeit their non-profit, tax exempt status if homosexuality and abortion are condemned in their pulpits and/or their pastors refuse to perform sex-gender marriages. 

We live in an age in which minority (so-called) rights trump the unalienable rights of the majority. Again, we have only to consider Obama’s restroom and shower room edict, and the general intolerance being exercised by our government, news organizations and the liberal left.

It’s no longer ‘okay’ to say what the Bible says on any topic which falls under the heading of ‘Political Correctness.’ Some who have done so have been roundly criticized and castigated for doing so, and have been poked and prodded into apologizing for the conservative comments; for fear of losing their status or prestige.

Well, I for one, will continue to love and empathize with them ‘for whom Christ died’ but I refuse to bow to the gods of Political Correctness, nor give lip service to liberal doctrines which I can neither support, nor casually assent to.

 By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 40. Copyright pending

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